A graffiti-covered box truck sits at a red light in front of the St. Marks Hotel, near the Cooper Union. "Deter RIP" is, likely, a nod to Ray Deter, the owner of the D.B.A. bars in the East Village and Williamsburg, who died in a bicycle accidident in 2011. CLICK TO ENLARGE
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
29th & Lexington [Taxi Crash] (August 2011)
An NYC taxi accident in Curry Hill, in front of New Absolute Laundry Dry Clean. This was the first picture I ever took using my then-new Samsung Galaxy S smartphone, which really does not have a very good camera. CLICK TO ENLARGE
Sunday, January 27, 2013
49th Ave & Vernon Blvd [NE Corner] (July 8, 2012)
Long Island City, Queens
Cranky's Cafe in Long Iasland City / Hunters Point offers French Louisiana cuisine, including seafood gumbo, hush puppys, jamabalya, beignets and po-boys. And the Ricotta Mascarpone Blueberry Pancakes (weekend brunch only) are apparently delicious. CLICK TO ENLARGE
Cranky's Cafe in Long Iasland City / Hunters Point offers French Louisiana cuisine, including seafood gumbo, hush puppys, jamabalya, beignets and po-boys. And the Ricotta Mascarpone Blueberry Pancakes (weekend brunch only) are apparently delicious. CLICK TO ENLARGE
Friday, January 25, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
66th & Lexington [SE Corner] (October 7, 2012)
The Church of St. Vincent Ferrer is a Roman Catholic parish built by the Dominicans in 1918. This Upper East Side church been called "one of New York's greatest architectural adornments." Wiki says, the Stations of the Cross depict Christ with oil paintings instead of statuary or carvings. And Andy Warhol regularly attended Mass at the church. CLICK TO ENLARGE
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
42nd & Broadway [SW Corner] (December 22, 2012)
Stella Artois, in Times Square... "Originally Brewed to Celebrate the Holidays." Daily Billboard says, "a clever way to make the beer brand more relevant at this time of year when hot toddies, eggnog, and cocktails are being drunk and bottles of spirits are being given as gifts." Stella says, "[Stella was] originally brewed for the people of Leuven, Belgium as a Christmas beer."
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
St. Marks Place & 1st Ave [NW Corner] (December 30, 2012)
A food delivery man rides down the 1st Avenue bike lane in front of Stromboli Pizza in the East Village. Here's a 2010 EVGrieve post weighing the pros and cons of the neighborhood's bike lanes.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Attorney St & Delancey [NW Corner] (December 30, 2012)
Some graffiti on this Lower East Side corner near the Williamsburg Bridge. Nothing in this storefront except a conference table, chairs, and a camera on a tripod. What's going on? CLICK TO ENLARGE
Thursday, January 17, 2013
36th & Madison [NW Corner] (December 22, 2012)
A brushed-red corner building down the street from popular Midtown East / Murray Hill bars The Ginger Man, The Galway Hooker, Slattery's Midtown Pub, and The Archive. The Morgan Lofts boutique condo conversion occupies the other red building in the background. CLICK TO ENLARGE
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
27th & Park Avenue [Graffiti-Covered Truck] (January 2013)
A beautiful graffiti-covered box truck ("The Royal King Bee"), in front of Danny Meyer's Blue Smoke Barbecue restaurant. Try the brisket sandwich (with vinegar-heavy coleslaw), the deviled eggs, and the wide variety of whiskeys and beers. The sleeper hit is the fish tacos (ceviche-ish) appetizer!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
49th & 7th Ave [NE Corner] (November 16, 2012)
In September 2008, the former Lehman Brothers building in Times Square became the Barclays Capital building. When the global financial collapse forced Lehman Brothers to file for bankruptcy, UK-based Barclays acquired Lehman's "core businesses" (including the building at 745 Seventh Avenue and roughly 9,000 former Lehman employees). CLICK TO ENLARGE
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
19th & Irving Place [NE Corner] (2012)
The well-known Boston Ivy-covered home at 80 Irving Place in Gramercy (originally featured here) doesn't look so lush during the winter. CLICK TO ENLARGEMonday, January 7, 2013
13th and 9th Ave [SW Corner] (June 16, 2012)
Just a couple of years ago, this Meatpacking District building housed the dingy-old Olympia Garage. Today? Catch -- a Seafood Restaurant. Zagat says: “'Beautiful people' and random 'Kardashians' populate this 'trendy' new Meatpacking 'scene' where 'outstanding' seafood via Top Chef winner Hung Huynh is dispensed by 'Abercrombie model'–like staffers in a sprawling, 'pumping' duplex; reservations are 'hard' to get despite the 'expensive' tabs." CLICK TO ENLARGE
Sunday, January 6, 2013
43rd & Broadway [SE Corner] (December 22, 2012)
Welcome to Times Square! Lady Liberty stands proud in front of the Times Square NYPD station, just a few days before throngs of tourists and revelers would overtake the area for New Year's Eve.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
N 10th & Berry St [NW Corner] (June 3, 2012)
Abandoned-looking factory buildings are big part of what's still considered charming in ultra-hip Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Across the street from this graffiti-stained beauty, luxury condo "125 North 10th" currently has a 1400-square-foot, 3-bedroom apartment asking $1.7 Million. CLICK TO ENLARGE
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Grand St & Mott St [SE Corner] (November 18, 2012)
Like all Chinatown scenes, this one's busy! G.V. Trading Inc. is a grocery store that was established in 2004 by a man called Sing Wong. CLICK TO ENLARGE
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
NYC Corners on BuzzFeed in 2012!
Happy New Year! In 2012, NYC Corners had two popular Then-and-Now collections featured on BuzzFeed. Click on the headlines or the images to check them out.
1) 10 NYC Corners, Then and Now

2) 10 More NYC Corners, Then and Now
1) 10 NYC Corners, Then and Now

2) 10 More NYC Corners, Then and Now
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